nginx: Easy Fix for “413 Request Entity Too Large”

The 413 Request Entity Too Large error is a common error that occurs when a client tries to send a request to an nginx server that is larger than the maximum file upload size that is configured for the server.

Here’s what the error might look like:

To fix the 413 Request Entity Too Large error in nginx, you need to increase the maximum file upload size that is configured for the server. The default maximum file upload size for nginx is 1 megabyte. You can increase the maximum file upload size by editing the nginx configuration file.

You can increase the maximum file upload size by adding or updating the following property in nginx server configuration file. Be sure to replace “100m” with a value that’s bigger than the file that you’re trying to upload. The value can be specified in various units, such as “k” for kilobytes, “m” for megabytes, and “g” for gigabytes.

client_max_body_size 100m;

Here’s what your configuration may look like after adding “client_max_body_size” property.

Once you have updated client_max_body_size , the maximum file upload size for your nginx server will be increased to the value that you specified. This will prevent the 413 Request Entity Too Large error from occurring when clients try to send requests that are larger than the maximum file upload size.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when increasing the maximum file upload size in nginx:

  • The client_max_body_size directive only applies to POST requests.
  • The client_max_body_size directive is applied after the client_body_buffer_size directive. This means that if the client request body size exceeds the value of the client_body_buffer_size directive, nginx will still accept the request, but it will only store the first client_body_buffer_size bytes in memory.
  • The client_max_body_size directive can be overridden by the client_max_body_size directive in a location block.

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