Kubernetes on Cloud: The Powerful Way To Orchestrate Containers

Kubernetes Cloud vs. On Prem

When it comes to using Kubernetes for container orchestration, organizations have the option of either deploying and managing the clusters themselves on-premise or using a managed service offered by a cloud provider. If you choose to deploy Kubernetes on-premise, you will be responsible for setting up, managing, scaling, and upgrading the clusters. On the other hand, managed Kubernetes services on the cloud typically handle many of the operational tasks associated with running a Kubernetes cluster, such as automatic upgrades and patching, automatic scaling, and automatic failover.

In this blog post, we discuss some of the reasons why someone might choose to use a cloud-based Kubernetes service over an on-premise deployment.


Deploying Kubernetes on-premise can be a complex and time-consuming process, which requires significant effort and resources. On the other hand, cloud-based Kubernetes services make it easy to create and manage clusters, as the cloud provider handles the installation and setup. Cloud-based Kubernetes services allow you to create clusters within minutes by clicking a few buttons or making a few API calls.


Cloud-based Kubernetes services can automatically scale the number of replicas of a container up or down based on resource usage, making it easier to handle increasing traffic and workloads.

High availability

Cloud-based Kubernetes services can automatically reschedule failed containers on healthy nodes, ensuring that your application remains available even if a node fails.

Automatic updates

Cloud-based Kubernetes services can automatically update and patch the Kubernetes control plane and worker nodes, which can save time and resources for the operation team.

Integration with other cloud services

Cloud-based Kubernetes services, such as EKS or GKE, integrate with other cloud services, such as storage, networking, and monitoring, making it easy to build and run highly available, highly scalable applications.

Cost savings

Running Kubernetes on-premise can be costly, as it requires a significant investment in hardware, infrastructure, and maintenance. Cloud-based Kubernetes services can be more cost-effective, as they only require paying for what you use, and eliminating the need for upfront infrastructure costs.


Cloud-based Kubernetes services can be easily scaled up or down to meet changing demands and can be deployed in multiple regions for high availability and disaster recovery.

Easier to manage

Cloud-based Kubernetes services often provide a user-friendly web interface for managing and monitoring your clusters, which can make it easier to manage and monitor your clusters than doing it on-premises.


Cloud-based Kubernetes services simplify the process of deploying and managing Kubernetes clusters and often include additional features such as automatic upgrades, automatic scaling, and integration with other cloud services, as well as web interfaces for managing and monitoring clusters. Deploying Kubernetes on-premise and implementing additional features involve complex processes and require significant effort and resources.

For most organizations, cloud-based Kubernetes services are a better option as they are easier to deploy and manage as compared to on-premise deployments unless there are compliance or governance constraints that prevent the adoption of cloud-based services.

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